Don't doubt the overcast lighting
This was such a back and forth, last minute decision on if we were going to make the trek to Durham, NH for this shoot. The forecast called for sun all day, but it kept sporadically raining earlier on. We eventually decided to just go for it, and met up later in the evening. We explored a little, and then settled down in a certain area and let the kids sit and play. I'm all for having a couple posed photos with everyone smiling at the camera - but those in between shots are my f a v o r i t e . I'm all about letting the littles play, adventure, and give me their own poses ( Sawyer had quite a few of those! )
To me, those moments are more perfect that any posed shot. I love capturing movement, and real smiles and laughs.
I'll always give suggestions for where to sit, which direction to face, where to put your hands - but then I'll make conversation, or give you prompts to get that authentic reaction and emotion from you. And when it comes to littles, who are we kidding, they run the show. Emmett was an explorer for sure! And the cutest at that.
We had so much fun, and I know everyone craves those golden hour photos - but overcast gives the softest lighting and there's no restriction with direction. Always give it a chance!